PAL-V Launches Its Commercial Model, The Liberty |
PAL-V has presented the design of world’s first commercial flying car on their website today. The new design has a distinct Italian flair, thanks to collaborations with leading Italian design agencies. It incorporates a unique dual engine propulsion that further increases the safety of the PAL-V Liberty. While driving, the lowered suspension and tilting “cockpit” adds to the sports car feel on the road. A novel design approach serves to avoid a number of common pilot errors by design, making the PAL-V Liberty very safe and easy to operate. All features can be checked on PAL-V’s new website.
Designed For Those Who Value Time |
Successful people hate to waste time. We deliberately designed the PAL-V Liberty to free you from the ties of traffic. Now you are in control of your individual travel schedule. Plan your appointments when it suits you. No more airport parking hassles and no taxi, train, bus or rental car required after landing. A traffic jam? Just fly over it. One of the many benefits of owning a PAL-V.
We have over 50 engineers currently working in our team. Their primary job is to integrate the technology of partner companies specialized in their field. Re-use of proven technologies is the foundation of all we do to solve this complex puzzle.To this end we collaborate with a wide range of real specialists on the different sub-systems and components. The number of engineers and specialisms needed to master the challenge is substantial. Over 100 engineers from other companies contribute.
PAL-V Starts Selling Its Commercial Model, The Liberty
This week, PAL-V has officially started the sales of its commercial models, the Liberty Pioneer and Liberty Sport. The first commercial flying car in the world is now a fact.